Wednesday, December 06, 2006

number 19...

well, that last post sucked. I realize and apologize. little update before we get to the Countdown...
currently reading: "The Story of Art" (worst art history textbook I've ever seen, save some of the fold-out images...)
currently wishing i had more time to read: "Narcziss and Goldmund" - Herman Hesse. (You can expect a pretty major post on the topic soon, i hope).
currently listening to: "Makers" Rocky Votolato. Pretty spectacular and I owe the moment to Spiro.
work of art I'm currently distracted by: Rythm 0, 1974 - Marina Abramovic. (A performance art piece no where near relevant to my exam on friday.)

In other news, the last couple weeks have been nothing short of exhausting. An exhaustion impossibly attributed to a single event or person or activity, instead many of each. Each with intimate, deep and scalding consequences, none of which I feel all too compelled to write about in such a public forum. Why mention it at all? The last two days have been irrevocably filled with dramatic parallels between peace and vicious angst, between light and shadow. And so I feel a little better about it all.

Now, the reason you all stopped by. (by all I mean "3")..number 19 in the 21 Title Christmas Countdown:

A new one but a great one. I realize I could get some flack for this...particulairly regarding the sex-scene-stand-ins, which i would just like to say, is one of my favourite elements of the flick. BUT what really makes this a keeper on the Christmas list? The thing that keeps you coming back to it DESPITE freaking Keira Knightly? Good old Hugh Grant the Prime Minister and his speach to the American President...

wouldn't it be wonderful...


the tapered pant said...

did anyone catch the two spelling errors? i'm tired.

Sharelle said...

i just recently posted about how this movie was the biggest distraction for me the other day.

no flack from me - its one of my favourites. the hugh speech, and the hugh dance to "jump for my love". everytime i finish watching the movie, i stop, and go back to the scene where hugh dances. every time.
to me its one of the best rom-com's (yes i just used that acronym) of all time.
sound like too much. nope, not for me. LOVE IT.

and again, herein lies the reason you are not a scenester....