Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Richard Simmons next door...

This, this is officially the most awkward encounter in the Rothesay. (the Gord Downie apartment block.) So, recently, I'd discovered the game it is to live in an apartment complex. The game generally involves seeing if you can get in the door and into your apartment without being seen by the people who enter as you're on your way up the stairs, or exit their apartments while you're on your journey home.

Today, however, someone did not get the memo. After just finishing falling in love once again with Winnipeg, specifically Vimy Ridge Park, Kristina and I arrived on our floor only to fine a not-so-sculpted man doing some definite deep-knee lunges, along with some small dumbbells, now read carefully: in the hallway. That is one stifled laughter that's hard to forget. And let me just say this: he looked a little disappointed that we'd found him. And let me also say this: I kind of felt like joining in.


Anonymous said...

laughing out loud...right now
that's hilarious!

from mel said...

Oh I miss you, my friend....

haha your humor always surprises me and entertains me. it's a real blessing and joy to the soul.

write me some day and tell me all about your life, ok? i eagerly await :) :)
