Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Oook I think I've nailed it down...

Still a tentative list, but I think I've got it....

alright, no particular order. But let me just say this, I so thoroughly enjoy the written word. It is an art form I wish I could master. Once I wrote a book. Actually, not too long ago, but yet again, as I review some of my favourites, I realize how reeeeeeeally bad it was. I'm not even kidding guys. Just sad.

Ok the list:
no particular order, I must stress this

1. The Catcher in the Rye- JD Salinger. (little tidbit: you know who else was a big Catcher fan? A little guy I like to call Mark Chapman, yes my friends, the man who shot our beloved John dead...)

2. Catch 22- Joseph Heller (laugh my face off everytime)

3. On the Road - Jack Kerouac (so, according to a couple big Kerouac fans, this is their least favourite...I'll look into it, I gotta say, loved every minute. I think my next post will include an excerpt.)

4. The Four Loves- C.S. Lewis (unreal book. If you haven't read it, go find it and read it)

5. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader- C.S. Lewis (Let's face it kids, at the moment, I'm hating my rule to have to break up these books. And really, I just threw down Dawn Treader because Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe was already up there)

6. Cat's Cradle- Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (Thanks to Bill, one of my new top 5 authors. Unreal. Makes me want to be a politician, again, I'll have to include an excerpt.)

7.The Lord of the Rings- JRR Tolkein

8. The Upside Down Kingdom - Donald Kraybill (This...this is a great book)

9. Mere (freaking) Christianity - Clive Staples Lewis. (I think I've read it 12 times now)

10. High Fidelity- Nick HORNBY (for all you Blue Like Jazz fans...don't even get me started..."hornsby" man alive)

Ok kids, you knew they were coming:
Hon Ments:
-A Complicated Kindess by Miriam Toews (THis is "Catcher" only in Southern Manitoba)

-In Two Minds -OS Guinness
-The Abolition of Man-C.S. Lewis

-Your God is Too Small- J.B Phillips