Monday, April 20, 2009

Summer Reading (thank goodness)

Well. It's 2:43 and I'm working on a paper due in a few short hours. No better time than to come up with some words for Good Rocky. But in actual fact, tonight marks a particularly special occasion (as though procrastination weren't enough) because I've finally figured out a practical use for this blog...

Summer Reading List (I feel like if I publish my intentions, I might actually get around to them instead of relying on the old rolling stone to get me through...)

"Black Lamb and Grey Falcon" by Rebecca West.
Apparently the (not a) greatest book written in the twentieth century. David's mentioned it in about 4 consecutive (and brilliant) sermons and Kirsten is reading it right now. Let's just say: I'm a kool-aid drinker. But also it sounds fantastic.

"Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell
My parents gave it to me for my birthday and one of their good friends (and trusted critic) has read it twice now and really enjoyed it. It's a bestseller which I usually steer clear of (it's just the romantic in me, I like old things) but I've read the first chapter and so far so good. Well done newbie, you made the list.

"Letter to a Priest" by Simone Weil
I realized today I've never read it.

"A Severe Mercy" by Sheldon Vanauken
One of the best women I know gave this to me, I can't wait to get into it. It looks spectacular.

"Descent into Hell" or "War in Heaven" by Charles Williams
More kool-aid drinking? Sort of. But mostly I just think he's brilliant. Even if he doesn't know how to use a comma.

"Church Dogmatics" by Karl Barth
Kidding. I read them on a need-to-preach basis.

That's all I can think of right now. I think I may also need to make a summer writing list.

Anyhow, one for the fall:

Dante's "Divine Comedy" but I'm awaiting the return of my guide.

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