Tuesday, December 27, 2005

don't expect depth...really...

thaaank youuu asssstriii

wellll it's that time of year again. Sentimental sad-bastard post time.

You see, good friends are leaving town. Fair-freaking-enough this place (being Winkler) can reeaaally kick your balls in. Even if you don't have any.

But tonight, tonight my friends, in perfect exhibition of what I've been telling you about my apparant inability to really write anything relevant to persons other than those that care to know the mundane* detail of the bonsters life. (In general I've found these people are those that have very little choice in the matter and if they don't read about it here they'll hear about it relatively soon.) Tonight I will share only this: Sometimes, a nap without pants is allll you need.
And I'm SO excited it's ridiculous.

but for those of you who need something interesting...cheeeck out this frost.

*it does seem a shame that this word, being the full and great word that it is, seems so fricking overused in (pardon the generalization) first-year University student circles. Orrr just post-angst young adults raging against the world. Let's face it, the word is too big for us. Nothing is that mundane. It's like idiom blasphemy.


aejrussin said...

i'm not really a nap-person, to be honest. but i am a full supporter of sleep sans pants.

happy newyear "the bonnie" :D

Kristina said...

Mmmm...sentimental sad-bastard post time. My favorite.
These pictures are nicely composed Bon.
you have a good eye.