Saturday, March 01, 2008

i don't like being jostled...

So, I have this friend.

She's got a really great blog (I was going to make a link but the only people that read this blog probably read hers first and either used the link to Good Rocky). She's sitting next to me now. Her name is Spiro. (She's keeping it Riel and staying in Winnipeg for a few days.) One of the first conversations we had was:

Spiro: "Hey, you said you were going to blog more."

Bonnie: "yea. I did."


So, I do feel a touch obligated. I don't know why this is such a self-conscious endeavor for me. Nothing really seems relevant or pertinent enough to fill a page with it. But then, no offense, but lots of stuff people put on their blogs is kind of...less than urgent. For example...this blog.
(just kidding).

Therefore, in the name of contribution for the sake of contribution: I'll keep trying to let myself go.

Tonight was the art opening for Mennofolk 2008. IT was fantastic. Code Name: The Sharks! stole the show. Tomorrow night we're going to kick it at the West End. Hope to see you there, I'll try to fill you in if you can't make it.

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