Friday, April 13, 2007

things that remind me...

of Jamie Spiro

clouds plaid jackets

the muppets

jane gallagher

Reading Deitrich Bonheoffer

being awake at 3am
tennis shoes
SLR cameras

vines without leaves
brick walls

puddles and kids in rainboots

laughing really, really, really hard

used books & coffee

old hymns
talking about heaven

the drumming in "Magazine" by Pedro the Lion

& all things beautiful


the tapered pant said...

and also, falling down (in general)

the tapered pant said...

i should perhaps also note that all photographs excluding the last one are Jamie Spiro originals. and are spectacular.

Spiro said...


Bridget Beth said...

especially Animal.

You know, muckle mouthed and drum playing.

Who is this strange creature?

Sharelle said...

dowling - you have a way with words my friend. what a wonderful tribute to our dear spiro. man i miss the cp's. a lot.

Spiro said...

kid I'm gonna be with you longer than the world can stand cause there's a light that's stronger shinning out of your eyes I see it and it won't be long now