Thursday, March 30, 2006

coffee, Turner, and 18th century aesthetic theory have claimed my evening. And likely a clove, but this will be much later.

Nevertheless, my heart tonight lies in an issue much larger than academics.

Only, the issue is too vast. Too immensly personal, too multifaceted, too complex for me to accomplish any sort of adequate expression tonight.

It is an issue of women. An issue of inequality, of submission, of nature, of instituion. It seems that my roommate and I have exhausted the topic, though neither of us ever satisfied, neither of us ever consistent. Both of us women of strength, passion and accomplishment. Both hungry for empowerment, both starving to understand ourselves in the face of such a question. However, we seem to define or seek or imagine this ideal in very different manners.
Like I said, an issue seems easily exhausted when there seems never to be a resolve.

Tonight, however, reflecting on the many polar opinions we've encountered in one another, I see that there is a piece of this issue upon which we are always agreed. Always united in hatred and disgust, restlessly awaiting our part in the solution. This is the issue of violence. Tonight, specific to women.

i don't really know where to begin.

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