Friday, December 02, 2005

somtimes, you need to rock out...

Once, I was listening to this Postal Service song, I forget which one exactly, and I happened to be looking in the mirror and all of a sudden I bust into the best robotic-dance-moves possibly in the history of dance, certainly my personal best, never, ever to be relived. (and not for lack of trying). Something seminal rising out of being alone.

And it happened again tonight.

Let me first say this: "Broken Social Scene" by Broken Social Scene. If you don't own it, it's worth at least a download.

Now, being alone does funny things to me. And I mean really alone. Not just, noone to speak to, but really, noone around, noone to witness, if such a thing should occur, a moment of freedom and awakening, or just busting out.* It really turns into a Catch 22, it'd be great for someone to catch a glimpse of the individual's glory, but it just can't occur with someone watching.

The other day, good old Bill was telling me how he used to walk like a mile home in the city, in the winter cold, in the night, just because he liked to, because he got great thinking done. I told him I ride the bus alone sometimes, for extended periods of time, and do the same thing; tonight I walked, and I listened to Broken Social Scene once again.

Now, (I'm getting to the seminal) very close to the Gord Downie, and track number nine arrives. There are some songs that are just meant to provoke a strut, and this is one of them, and because of my solitude, I did. And this turned into one big Bonnie's-Disco-street-walking party, and I have to say, I whipped out some great moves. There was strutting, arms flying, one small twirl...

Let's face it, I might try to recreate the incident for dear old Kristina, but some things just can be done twice, and are better left a lacking description.

*I will say this though, sometimes, these moments can occur perfectly while immersed in people, for example, in the midst of an audience captured by a rock band, and everyone's kind of alone. (But this does kind of eliminate the dance moves-moments. )

I think i've posted this picture before, but I'm clearly rocking out in it, so it seemed fitting.


Spiro said...

mmmmm... true with the catch 22.

Kristina said...

Bonnie rocking out in the Gord Downie. Now THAT'S a good time.
The way an otherwise thoughtless activity can turn into something seminal...only you know my friend.
And that's why i love you.

-Great picture Bon.