Monday, August 29, 2005

a couple days overdue...

make sure you catch the slogan there...

So, I've been meaning to mention, of the many blessings which have been imparted upon me since working at Ten Twenty Seven (A little (marvelous) gelati, candy and coffee shop too cool to be in Winkler but a gift of God that it exists here...) there is one that, to me, is most unexpected and most appreciated in the form of one fricking cool teenager. His name is Jesse, you ought to check out his blog... I'm telling you, this is one nuts kid. He's got real talent in way of photography and is really big into architecture and as a result knows about some phenomenol things in Winnipeg.

Annnd, he decorated my new thigh pilot....which for those of you who don't keep up with the latest in information technology, is a fatty old typewriter he found for me at the MCC. Plus he's about one of the funniest people i've ever met. Just one more reason to come on down to Winkler...

1 comment:

Jesse said...

bonnie, don't call me a teenager : ) .... I hate teenagers. They suck also so do kids, so do kids also alright, bye ha ha